General, German, Travel

Best Shots of Munich, Germany – #ShotOnRazerPhone2

My travel to Munich was very brief. It was less than a week yet the memories of my stay remains until today. Maybe it's because of the many attractions there plus my childhood dream to be there. Well, equipped with my Razer Phone 2, I managed to capture a few eye-catching views of Munich. Please… Continue reading Best Shots of Munich, Germany – #ShotOnRazerPhone2

General, German, Travel

Best Shots of Frankfurt, Germany – #ShotOnRazerPhone2

As I used to attend classes in Germany for a brief four weeks, I also got the chance to visit some of the popular attractions there. Either by foot or by the very efficient public transport they had there. It was also at this time I started using my new smartphone, the Razer Phone 2.… Continue reading Best Shots of Frankfurt, Germany – #ShotOnRazerPhone2

General, Journal, Travel

I Travelled to Japan for Two Weeks with Kolej 12, UPM (January 2019)

My degree years in UPM is decorated with a lot of beautiful and colourful memories. From participating in a competition to organizing an event. However, if there’s something to be eternalized, that would be the chance that I had to travel overseas. All thanks to my alma mater, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Without their help and… Continue reading I Travelled to Japan for Two Weeks with Kolej 12, UPM (January 2019)

General, German, Journal, Travel

I Attended a Course in Germany for a Month (Oct – Nov 2019)

It is a widely known fact by now that I studied B.A German specifically in UPM. For now, I want to touch on one of the most unique experience I had as a German student there. That is, I got the exclusive opportunity to fly to Germany and stay in Frankfurt for four precious weeks.… Continue reading I Attended a Course in Germany for a Month (Oct – Nov 2019)